Musings Vol. 47


If We All Felt Cared For

A light is being shed on to the ways we care for ourselves, care for each other, and care for our world. There’s something so hopeful about the vulnerable conversations we're having around women’s rights – and they're showing us just how important it is to feel like we’re not alone, to feel like we belong. How would our world be different if we all felt cared for, heard, and seen? How would things change if we knew that it was safe enough to be vulnerable, to be ourselves?

You are being called deeper into moments of caring for yourself and the ones around you. What do you need to give yourself? How are you tending to your own needs? How are you being nourished by moments of vulnerability with others? And in which ways can the relationships in your life be nurtured? Find the kind of nourishment and connection that feel good for you now, and give yourself some extra patience, time, and rest.


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

Musings Vol. 48


Musings Vol. 46