An Open Letter


You Already Deserve It

We all struggle with feelings of unworthiness. It just seems to be a part of being human in the world. And with feeling unworthy, also come feelings of not belonging, of not being allowed to be who we are, of not deserving to experience the things we want to experience in life.

In a world that constantly pushes us into defining ourselves through our abilities and achievements, we have started to believe that our worth and sense of deservingness are ultimately tied to these factors. We have forgotten that we already are worthy and deserving. And that we deserve to be loved and cared for and take up space – simply because we are who we are.

What would you find the courage to do if you knew you were worthy of it?
What would you stop doing if you knew you were already worthy?
What would you dare to dream of if you knew you truly deserved it?

Three ways of embracing your worth

  1. Forgive yourself for past mistakes or 'failures' that have made you feel less worthy or deserving. Acknowledge the pain you experienced and identify what you learned from these situations. Remember that you did your best with what you knew and that you're allowed to forgive yourself.

  2. Learn to accept and embrace yourself for who you are. Many of us struggle with self-worth because we think there’s something wrong with us and we receive so many messages that we are not enough the way we are. Begin to focus on and embrace the things that make you unique, that make you who you are. Trust that you are already enough, just the way you are.

  3. Be there for yourself We often abandon ourselves during times of challenge and engage in self-criticism, which only leaves us feeling worse.

The next time you experience challenges, acknowledge how you feel and offer yourself some comfort. Place your hand on your heart and say “I know this hurts, I'm here for you.” You deserve your own love.

It takes courage to free ourselves from the conditions we've placed on our worth and it can be scary to accept ourselves as we are. But I’m here to tell you that this journey is also really beautiful and worth taking. On it, you’ll find inner strength, and get to know yourself and the amazing gifts you already bring to the world just by being you. And one step at a time, you'll begin living your life from a place of worthiness and deservingness.

You already are worthy and deserving.
You already are enough, just the way you are.

Kristina Adam


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

Musings Vol. 40


Musings Vol. 39