An Open Letter
Every Moment Is An Invitation
Every moment of our lives, we are being invited into something. You are actively being invited into something right now. And that invitation is going to keep coming back to you in different forms. If we truly think about it, every new breath that we take becomes an invitation – an invitation to start again, to live, to begin right where you are.
What has been calling you?
What are you being invited into?
And what would you need to shift within yourself in order to accept this invitation and move into what life is calling you to?
Three ways to tap into your intuition and calling
1. Take a moment today to sit with the questions above. Close your eyes and notice if a specific thought or feeling arises as you ask for guidance.
2. If you have a deck of oracle or tarot cards, ask one of the questions above as you shuffle your cards and then pull a card once you feel ready. Sit with the guidance you received and note which part of it resonates.
3. Carve out some time for yourself to go on a walk in nature. Without any distractions, observe your surroundings and notice what is inviting you in. What draws your attention? And what guidance can you derive from it?
What is your invitation?
Kristina Adam