Musings Vol. 37


Making A Difference

Through global conflicts, it often becomes incredibly clear that we alone can’t fix the world, but that we can be more present to the situations and people around us in the most compassionate, loving way possible. Although it is not our responsibility to heal the collective, we are reminded that our actions do make a difference in this world. And that we will always be part of the solution to love and healing in the world.

Review all that has shifted in the past years. How are you different now than you were a few years ago? Think about all the challenging things you’ve moved through – what did they teach you? What has changed in your life because of them? Allow yourself to sit with and sort through the memories and emotions that arise as you look back. And as you do, remember that who you are, and what you do, has always been and always will be enough.


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

An Open Letter


Musings Vol. 36