A Gift For You
Self-care Through Sacred Space
The truth is: we all need meaningful moments of connection with ourselves and others – they allow us to come home to ourselves, feel nurtured, and they remind us of what truly matters in life. Yet many of us have had to sacrifice these valuable moments of self-care and connection because the new reality we are finding ourselves in poses a whole new set of challenges to navigate. And too often, taking time for ourselves is the first thing to lose priority.
Now more than ever: Self-care is truly imperative
One of my favorite ways to practice self-care, reconnect, and recharge is to invoke sacred space. Even in its most simple form, setting up sacred space immediately slows down time, fills me with gratitude, and allows me to come back home to myself and my body. To inspire you to create your own sacred space filled with things that feel right for you, I created a workbook all about sacred space. So you too can enjoy precious moments of self-care and reconnection – we all need them now more than ever.
With love,
Kristina Adam