Musings Vol. 11


You Are Not Alone

Though we might feel alone in our struggles, this is a reminder that someone else is feeling the same way you are right now. Every feeling and challenge we have, someone else has had, and someone else is having, right now. Realizing that we are not alone, even in dark times, opens us up to the healing power of human connection. Through opening our hearts and sharing our experiences, we reach out our hand in support to others who need to know the same: that they too are not alone.

Journey inward, and go deeper into your own experience of this moment. As you carefully unearth and sit with what lies beneath the surface, you are invited to release, purge, and clear out what is ready to go. Purging the things that sometimes make it hard to breathe, and releasing the weight that feels heavy on your shoulders. Allow yourself to surrender, allow yourself to feel held and supported by something larger than yourself. And at the center of your being, feel that you are not alone.


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

Musings Vol. 12


Musings Vol. 10