Musings Vol. 12


In Balance

It is essential that we recognize the entirety of our experience in this world. Opening our eyes to what lies beneath the surface has the power of bringing us great clarity, understanding, and balance. Here we'll find that next to all the bitterness, despair, worry, and fear that is currently present, there is also love, hope, joy, and the strength and ability to collectively overcome all that we already have and all that we still have to overcome.

Expand your awareness and investigate where things in your life may have gotten out of balance. What currently feels like it is out of balance in your life? And what would it look like to come into harmony in this area of your life? Now is a great time to reflect, and allow what comes to mind to flow freely and spill out onto the pages of a journal. Gather yourself, take note, and review what needs to change — and then hit the pause button, and fill your cup to lovingly re-establish your own balance and well-being.


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

Musings Vol. 13


Musings Vol. 11