Musings Vol. 24
When All Else Feels Lost
Even when all else feels lost, we are invited to return to the light within and the hope for a new day ahead. The cyclical nature of the seasons reminds us that life is always renewing itself and that we too will experience a re-birth and a time of renewal. Now is the time to lean into how things need to change, be released, or be healed in order for new beginnings to unfold. So we can faithfully plant our dreams and hopes into the soil of our beings and tend to them lovingly as we watch them begin to grow.
Say no to the things that don’t feel aligned, and set boundaries in order to create space for what you are ready to call in. Carefully observe what can go, and what can stay. What is able to withstand, hold, and support the changes you are going through? And what isn’t? What are you coming to understand in regards to what is worth your time, energy, and effort – and where can you be very clear on what is not. Above all, nourish, rest, and recharge, with unwavering trust that a new day will come.