Musings Vol. 23
The Path Ahead
Times of crisis are often an undoing process, a recalibration of who we are. And when we take away the distractions in life, we can really begin to get down to the essentials. Reviewing how our needs have changed, what we’ve lost, what has shifted in our lives, and how we are adapting and taking care of ourselves. The lessons of this time will pave a new path ahead for all of us.
Dream and have a conversation with yourself about what lies ahead for you. Where would you go if you could go anywhere and do anything in this moment? Would you be where you are now? How would you want to feel? And who would you want to bring on the journey with you? Welcome what arises as you sit with these questions, they hold a lot of wisdom for you. Pay attention to what themes start to trickle into your life and your relationships, they will become an opening for you to understand a deeper aspect of your heart and yourself.