Musings Vol. 33


A Deeper Longing

When we allow ourselves the time to dream and hold space for the most tender, dreamy parts of our being, we can connect to a deeper longing that lies within us. But in order to take a vision from this dream space to reality, we have to awaken the part of ourselves that is willing to follow the calling. Along the journey, this involves taking risks and moving past the fear of failing. It is in this allowing, this willingness to change, the willingness to step into our courage and keep going, that we give our dreams a chance.

Take the first step on your path into the future you are dreaming of. What is stirring you awake? What dreams are calling? And how would tending to them allow you to awaken you to your full potential? As you sit with what arises, notice if you feel ready to follow your calling. And if yes, which part of yourself needs to be awakened now in order to do so? Trust that the deeper you let yourself go into your dreams, the more opening you will give to this part of yourself. Trust that this journey is meant for you and abundance is already awaiting you.


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

Musings Vol. 34


A Gift For You