Musings Vol. 34
A Peace Blessing
May all beings be happy and free.
May all beings be protected from harm.
May all beings be free from fear.
May all beings be healed and whole.
May all beings receive the love and support they need.
May all beings experience inner peace and ease.
May I become a protector for those in need.
A guide for those who have lost their way.
A ship for those with oceans to travel.
A bridge for those with rivers to cross.
A sanctuary for those in danger.
A lamp for those in darkness.
A resting place for the weary.
May we bring love and compassion
to dispel the misery of the world,
until all beings are freed from sorrow
and there is hope and freedom for all.
May there be peace in this world.
Derived and adapted from the Buddhist
Metta Prayer and the Shantideva Prayer