Musings Vol. 51
In Holding Space
In holding space for both the pleasure and the discomfort, we open ourselves up to the various experiences awaiting us in life. And in opening ourselves up to these experiences, we begin to fully participate in our soul journey and all that it holds in this lifetime. Ultimately, we get to decide how we want to show up – do we remain passive, feeling like life is happening to us? Or do we become the active participants who choose to see that life is happening for us and then find a way to work with it?
Participate in and be present to the current ebb and flow of your life. How can you work with the low and the high tides? How is this moment in time happening for you, rather than to you? How can you lean further into pleasure and rest in the moments that feel heavy and challenging? Do not overburden yourself this week, instead, give yourself a lot of space to take it easy. Take your time to move slow, focus on what feels good and important, and then simply let the rest go.