Musings Vol. 56
A New Season
Each time a new season begins is a good time to pause and review the past weeks and months. Here, in the in-between, we can come to understand a deeper level of how this season has allowed us to shift – in all the big and all the subtle ways. So as we look back, let us notice what important changes were made and how they have impacted us. What has unfolded? And what are the ways in which we can continue to evolve and grow from here? As we get ready for a new season, feel the blessings, changes, and shifts that it already holds within.
Pause and check in with yourself: How are you feeling? What has noticeably shifted in your life over the past weeks? Which things have become more clear? And where do you need to call in more clarity? Allow yourself to feel into what you want to focus more on in your life and what is ready to be released. Lean into the sweet pleasures of life and all the things that bring you joy. Know that a new season with its very own sweetness is awaiting.