Musings Vol. 55
You Are The Abundance
Imagine living in a world where everyone has just what they need and everyone feels abundant. If we lived in that kind of a world, what would we be able to create and pour energy into? Let us open ourselves up to this new way of thinking – one that reminds us that there is always more than enough for us and for all life on earth. Because the truth is that we are just as expansive and abundant as the Universe itself. And from that place of expansion, we can begin to dream up a world that is abundant for all.
Remember the abundance and expansion that is already available to you now. You are the abundance. You are the expansion. You are part of the ever-expanding energy of the Universe itself. Open yourself up to thinking big – what does abundance look like for you at this time? What are you feeling ready to create? Breathe in all the things that remind you of just how wonderful, expansive, and awe-inspiring this life of ours is.