Musings Vol. 20


A Gentle Pause

There is a sweet moment in-between the ending of one chapter in our lives and the beginning of a new one. Like a gentle pause that invites us into reflection, and provides us with important insights for the path ahead. Here, we have enough time to catch our breath, shake off the dust and reset, before we get ready to turn the page and start anew.

As you enter the ‘in-between’, take some time to reflect on what has shifted in your life in the past weeks. Which weight feels like it is being lifted? And which new themes have become more present? Then let yourself dream of what's still to come. Welcome in your big hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. What if these desires and longings are sacred seeds that were planted in you before you were born? Allowing them to sprout and emerge from within will set their energy into motion.


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

Musings Vol. 21


Musings Vol. 19