Musings Vol. 21


If Only We Could Surrender

If only we could surrender completely to the mysteries of life. It would allow our time on Earth to be filled with a sense of peace and joy that only faith and surrender can open us up to. We would trust that whatever leaves our lives is making space for what is coming next. And we would celebrate each day with a deeper knowing that things are already unfolding as they should.

Embrace a lesson in trust and letting go. As you get ready for a new chapter in your life to begin, it is time to heal and make peace with the past, so that you can move forward recharged and renewed. Can you trust the way your life is unfolding? Can you have radical faith that what is rearranging itself right now is happening as it should? Take a deep breath, soften all resistance, and let life carry you. You are exactly where you need to be.


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

Musings Vol. 22


Musings Vol. 20