Musings Vol. 22


A Journey Into The Heart

In many ways, nature reminds us to embrace where we are on our journey and appreciate the beauty we already embody within. Just like flowers need time to bloom, so do we. And within our own blooming, we are invited into a deeper conversation with our hearts: What are my needs? What do I value? What do I desire? And how do I love myself through my own unfolding? Peeling back layer by layer, we arrive at what truly matters within.

Go on a journey into your heart center, and into the heart of your relationships. Become present to how your heart feels around the hearts of others, and what themes are arising in your closest connections. Which relationships are currently shifting and transforming? And which ones are being renewed? Take a soft breath, open your heart, and give your loved ones and yourself some extra love, patience, and compassion.


Aether is a wellbeing studio for women where the spirit of the feminine is fused with energetic healing to awaken the feminine — the Muse, within.

Musings Vol. 23


Musings Vol. 21